So will Conor McGregor be allowed to pull UFC moves on Floyd Mayweather during tomorrow night’s big fight? We were wondering the same thing. SBNAtion answered the question this way;
In McGregor’s day job, he can bludgeon his opponent in any number of ways. The UFC outlaws certain savage moves, like biting, fish-hooking, groin shots, and eye-gouging, but fighters mostly have the run of their imaginations. Kicking and elbowing are as much a part of the UFC as tackling is a part of football.
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On Saturday, McGregor’s not doing his day job. He’s boxing against 49-0 Floyd Mayweather, one of the best boxers who’s ever lived. Mayweather has, obviously, never been knocked out in his career. And McGregor has never boxed anybody competitively. That’s led more than a few people to thoughts like these, joking or not:
andrew cooper @bigcoops5 “I’m not into boxing or mma but I bet mcgregor will kick mayweather ont head if he is getting pumped”
“I want to see Conor McGregor round-house kick Mayweather’s head into the sun,” writes SB Nation’s Matt Ufford, though not for the same reasons some might want to see that. Whether it’s curiosity or just desire, there’s definitely a sentiment out there that McGregor might — or should — roundhouse-kick Mayweather in the head.