Marcus Martin has been named by family members as one of the victims injured in a Charlottesville, VA., protest crash involving a vehicle that apparently intentionally mowed down protesters.

According to a GoFundMe page set up by family members, Martin works as a landscaper and was attending the protest when he was severely injured in the crash. He suffered a broken ankle, broken tibia, and several torn ligaments.


The online effort has raised over $60k exceeding the stated goal of $40k. Donations are now closed according to the crowdsourcing website.

Via GoFundMe: Marcus was severly [sic] injured when a terrorist drove through a crowd of peacful [sic] protestors [sic] on August 12th in Charlottesville, VA. Marcus heroically made a split second decision to save his fiance’s life by moving her out of harm’s way, and in the process suffered a broken ankle, broken tibia, and several torn ligaments. Marcus works as a landscaper and will not be able to return to work and earn a wage for an unknown length of time. Marcus has not asked for anything from his community in return for his courageous acts.

Let’s come together to help Marcus cover his hospital bills/copays, transportation costs for upcoming appointments and surgeries, and lost wages so he can focus on healing his mind body and spirit.

We wish Martin a speedy recovery.