A grief stricken Ohio mother, through her attorneys, is claiming that her young son endured a severe case of bullying two days before he killed himself.

Gabe Taye, 8, was knocked unconscious while attending school according to a surveillance video obtained by attorneys. The video shows the boy being thrown violently against a wall by another child. He lay lifeless for a full 7½ minutes before an assistant principal and a school nurse came can be seen coming to his aid.


Two days after the bullying incident, Taye committed suicide at his Cincinnati home Jan. 26. No details were given as to how the boy carried out the suicide.

Taye’s mother claims she was unaware her son had been bullied and that school officials told her the boy had “fainted.” She later learned of the real details of the incident after her attorneys obtained a video that was contained within a police investigative file.

Cincinnati school officials have not yet commented as of Thursday.