Kevin Reed scored the cover of a 1975 issue of Surfing Magazine, and he’s credited with being the first person to do aerials, and now he’s been accused of murder.

A fight that broke out on Saturday night at Main Beach in Santa Cruz ended with one man dead, 52-year-old Steven Lee. Reed, aka Kevin Callahan, was arrested a few hours later after police found him asleep on the beach near Lee’s body. He’s being held on suspicion of first-degree murder. According to the Santa Cruz Sentinel, bail is set at $750,000.


Lee was found just after 4 a.m. Although the cause of death wasn’t immediately apparent and there were no obvious signs of trauma, police arrested Callahan because it was alleged that he and Lee had argued earlier.

“Kevin Reed was a great… really, really good skateboarder,” said Jay Adams in The Westsiders film. “He was a really great surf skater. In the beginning with the urethane wheels and stuff, Kevin was one of the leaders. He was just a really good skater–and he could surf. A lot of the guys in the beginning back then… skateboarders were surfers, and Kevin was definitely one of the better ones.” h/t theinertia