Celeb Jihad, an adult themed gossip website, has pulled the plug on leaked photos they posted of “Mean Girls” actress Amanda Seyfried, after the actress threaten to take legal action against them. Seyfried’s legal team went after the site for posting the beyond risque photos, some of which featured her and fellow actor, Justin Long, engaging in sex acts.

TMZ reports, “The actress’s lawyer fired off a threatening letter to Celeb Jihad, demanding they immediately take down the images that were meant to be private. The letter states the pics were illegally obtained by a third party, and leaked to the site without Amanda’s consent. Amanda’s legal team wants the site to preserve any evidence related to the leak, most likely for future litigation.


The recent leak and subsequent postings also included Harry Potter Actress, Emma Watson. At last check, those photos were still available on the controversial gossip website.

After being threatened with legal action, Celeb Jihad removed the leaked photos from the Seyfried post and replaced them with several photoshopped fakes. The post was updated with the following:

Update: Amanda Seyfried is claiming that she is the copyright holder of the leaked photos, so we have replaced them with Amanda’s nude scenes and vastly superior naked photos below.