The Oscars Statue They DON’T Want You To See

A statue mocking the iconic Academy Awards icon was placed among the others golden guys in Hollywood.

 The Oscars Statue They DONT Want You To See


The provocative statue depicts Oscar shooting heroin on the same red carpet celebrities would walk hours later..

The 8-foot statue, inspired by actor Philip Seymour Hoffman’s tragic overdose last month, was installed on LA’s Hollywood Boulevard on Friday, not far from where the 86th annual Academy Awards were taking place today.

HT plastic jesus oscar heroin sk 140302 16x9 608 400x225 The Oscars Statue They DONT Want You To See

“Hard drugs are still seen as a taboo subject, with people using in the privacy of their own home or hotel room and afraid of the consequences if the world finds out about their addiction,” the artist Plastic Jesus said in a statement. “My piece is intended to say ‘let’s be aware of the issue, remove the stigma enable people to get help and support’.”

An inscription on the bottom of the statue reads “Hollywood’s best kept secret,” and the L.A.-based British street artist says at one point he had to shift the piece after he suspected Academy Award people of trying to move it. source