It’s safe to say that Anne Hathaway hath no love for paps.. Evidence as Anne left a special gift for a cameraman in the form of her dog’s poop on his windshield..
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I think leaving it in the bag is pretty damn classy.
Quite funny to me. Media always twist s**t around anyway. How are we to know that she asked them to leave her alternativene and they (as they normally do) ignore the celebrity's plight and continue askin stupid questions? The poop may be out of line but we have no idea what the camera guy and who else was involved were harassing her about as the paparazzi does. Who knows...
nice hairdo bull dyke
Wow, what a sad and lonely life you must have to sit around waiting for the opportunity to leave such witty and thought provoking comments. (Oh, and I should probably mention this is something called 'sarcasm'. Google it so that your redneck ass will understand that I am insulting you.) Do the world a favor... Climb out of your mother's basement, take a shower, change your underwear (PLEASE) and drag your pasty ass into the sun. If we're lucky you will burst into flames. Or go watch Duck Dynasty. Those hillbilly jackholes seem more your speed.
Whoa whoa whoa venti macchiato with extra whip ... does she not look like a bull dyke to you? Oh wait you probably want to strap-on that azz
Don't be a hater just because I, and every other lesbian, man, or creature with opposable thumbs, gets more women than you do. Are you archaic? (I'll wait if you need to look that word up) She cut her hair for Les Miserable and decided she liked it. I supposed you think Jennifer Lawrence, with her cool new pixie cut is a... what did you call it? Bull Dyke? You do understand that term hasn't been used in 30 or so years right? If you are going to be a homophobic bigot at least get some new material. :D Thanks for the troll! It was fun!
I don't hate, i never said their was anything wrong with wanting to strap-on her azz.!!! calling a woman a bull dyke doesn't necessarily imply a homophobic comment, unless your an ultra sensitive pro gay protagonist ... more women then me doubtful but it could be possible...
So attention seeking celebrity reacts with disdain and feces attacks on people that give her attention and make her a celebrity?
and i thought that what makes an actor a celebrity was his/her work.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Work? You made a funny..
She's cOOl
Dang, she's a super-freak!