Photo Of Teen Girl Showing Too Much Ends Up In Yearbook

An indecent graduation photo in which a female student went unnoticed until it ended up in the yearbook, then it went viral…



The photo was taken at Lake Norman High School’s graduation ceremony.

Just in case you actually paid the $100 and received a copy of this gem of a yearbook, you can find the photo on page 14.

The girl’s identity has not yet been released but we do know she was 18 at the time of her stunt.

Parents remain outraged, some calling the photo while students were sharing the photo like crazy.

One such post read: “Leave it to Lake Norman to have a crotch shot in the yearbook.”

The yearbook supervisor, a faculty member, said he was shocked to learn of the photo.

The school district sent out letters to parents warning them about the photo, but something tells me that was not really necessary.

Parents and students are able to request a refund, but they can also choose to return them in exchange for an edited version making this a world’s first.

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