Target is known for featuring certain designers every few months. It has been a big hit each time. Missoni sold out this past summer in almost a day, Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku for kids sold in hours after it went on sale right before Christmas.

Jason Wu’s limited line of clothing went on sale February 6 and it was also sold out in most places with a few limited items on the racks by the end of the day. Wu also sold out online too. Prices ranged from $19.99 to 99.99 each. Wu is also sold in Nieman Marcus and Nordstrom.


Shoppers want a deal and a designer item. Maybe Target should think about having more designers so that more shoppers could be a part of the good deals.

Personally, I don’t like the Jason Wu line that much. There were a few items that looked good. The blue top with flowers looks like a smock to me!

The kiddy clothes by Gwen were actually very awesome and very easy on the wallet. Shoppers went nutso over Missoni also but the zigzag designs weren’t that appealing to my eye.