Our Finest Journalists Sitting Nuclear Ducks?

Everyone from Anderson Cooper to Shepherd Smith are on the ground in Japan doing what they do, reporting the news. I get that.

With a third explosion at an already damaged Japanese nuclear plant was it wise to put all those talented folks in one basket?


With crew members of the USS Ronald Reagan dispatched for recon returning with radiation all over them and their helicopters, common sense says something is in the air and it may be on the way.

How bad can a meltdown get? This question has left countless experts stymied. The truth is, there is a lot of radioactive materials on the damaged and deteriorating sites, more than other sites throughout the world. It is Japan’ practice to store spent fuel materials above the running reactors’ containment vessel, this makes fr a very toxic brew. If all the damaged reactors go the same way, bad, a staggering amount of potentially earth shattering radiation would be unleashed.

What’s the exit plan for all our beloved anchors, journalists and news reporters?