Arrested For Facebook Friend Request

Feeling nostalgic? thinking about sending an old flame a simple Facebook friend request? Think again.
A guy in Florida sent a friend request to his ex wife and ended up getting arrested. The couple separated two years earlier and wifey obtained a protective order barring him from any contact with her. Sending the request to be friends apparently violated that order, according to cops.

Harry Bruder, 54, admitted pushing send on a friend request to his wife but maintained he was just mad that the protective order included court-ordered counseling sessions. “Yeah I did it,” Bruder told police while they were loading him into a squad car, “Friend requests are stupid!” Bail was set at $5,000.


Bruder’s Facebook pages lists him as “Single” and working at “Bud’s Plumbing” the last wall post read, “today my future x wife thinks she won but the real winner is me for i know the truth she is nothing but a lying emotionally disturbed woman who needs help to handle previous abusive.”