Kristen Stewart, who plays “Bella” in the Twilight series, cut her beautiful long hair short for another film. Kristen Stewart started filming “The Runaways” just after the second Twilight ‘New Moon’ film was wrapped. Playing a young Joan Jett in The Runaways, Kristen must have really cut her hair short to get into the full character of Joan Jett. I think everyone wishes that The Runaways would have wigged her with short hair, so she could keep her long hair for Twilight!
Now Kristen is trying on different wigs for Twilight’s third movie ‘Eclipse’, which is going into production soon. Looks like the stylist braided Kristen’s hair to get the best result for a fitted ‘Bella’ wig.
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How will they match her hair? Ohhh the magic of wig land will save her.