Puff Daddy, Puffy, P. Diddy or Diddy is so funny to me. He, along with Ashton Kutcher are such hardcore Twitter users! They are so fun to keep up with. They write about what they are doing every hour, they make videos and take pictures of themselves. Last night, they had a Notorious B.I.G. Remembrance party via Twitter. There were like 100,000 internet followers involved! After the B.I.G. Twitter party, Diddy decided that he is going to ‘fast’ for 48 hours. He said fasting is going to be hard because he loves “cheeseburgers and Tahitian Treat!”

Anyway, while Ashton “does not want to get an MRI” like his doctor wants him to do, Diddy is in his 14th hour of fasting. He’s also in the studio working on a new album. He just put up this youtube video of him entitled “I am Diddy hear me roar!”
