We were wondering who that black man is standing behind President Trump at his August 22, 2017, Arizona rally, so we found a report detailing what he’s all about.

His name is Michael Symonette, aka, “Michael The Black Man,” and he’s a huge Trump supporter who owns a website called Gods2.com.


Turns out, Symonette has attended numerous Donald Trump rallies speeches over the past year.

Symonette is the one behind the “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” sign at his rallies and is usually seen wearing a shirt that says, “TRUMP & Republicans Are Not Racist.”

Symonette writes articles supporting Donald Trump that often condemn anyone who doesn’t agree with him. He also has a YouTube channel under the name of Maurice Symonette. source

According to the Washington Post, Symonette was once a part of a black supremacist religious cult and in the 1990’s he was charged and then acquitted of a conspiracy to commit two murders.