Too much botox? Not enough botox? Whatever it is, Nicole Kidman‘s face is looking more unusual than usual..

nicole kidman botox


Kidman faced photographers in Cannes on Tuesday for the Grace of Monaco promo — and it was her face that had everyone buzzing.

The 46-year-old actress appeared significantly different than a year ago, leading to speculation she had work done.

In February, Kidman told Italian newspaper La Repubblica her look is natural. “No surgery for me; I did try Botox, unfortunately, but I got out of it and now I can finally move my face again.”

The star added: “I wear sunscreen, I don’t smoke and I take care of myself.” source

The Australian reported on Kidman’s “puffy cheeks — which appeared unusually bloated and pronounced — and wrinkle-free forehead.”

The Daily Mail noted Kidman looked “odd” at the kick-off to the Cannes Film Festival and remarked on the “puffiness in her face.”