Region: TARAPACA, CHILE Magnitude: 7.8chile-earthquake

Geographic coordinates: 20.430S, 70.113W
Magnitude: 7.8
Depth: 20 km
Universal Time (UTC): 3 Apr 2014 02:43:15
Time near the Epicenter: 2 Apr 2014 23:43:16
Local standard time in your area: 3 Apr 2014 02:43:15


chile 7.8 quake< Location with respect to nearby cities: 23 km (14 mi) S of Iquique, Chile
184 km (114 mi) N of Tocopilla, Chile
217 km (134 mi) S of Arica, Chile
256 km (158 mi) NNW of Calama, Chile
481 km (298 mi) SSW of La Paz, Bolivia


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