Region: GREECELixouri_Plateia

Geographic coordinates: 38.292N, 20.337E
Magnitude: 6.1
Depth: 13 km
Universal Time (UTC): 3 Feb 2014 03:08:46
Time near the Epicenter: 3 Feb 2014 05:08:46
Local standard time in your area: 3 Feb 2014 03:08:46


Location with respect to nearby cities:
12 km (7 mi) NW of Lixourion, Greece
74 km (45 mi) NW of Zakynthos, Greece
81 km (50 mi) SSW of Preveza, Greece
95 km (58 mi) W of Mesolongi, Greece
298 km (184 mi) W of Athens, Greece

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