The moment I saw this picture of Justin Timberlake’s new deal I was like, why is he looking at his microphone with such disdain? Or is he just trying to remember what the confounded thing is? It has been a while… But seriously out of all the pictures they surely had to choose from, why this one? He looks so damn mad and confused, and for good reason, he totally forgot how to handle one of these expensive microphones found only in the world’s most exclusive studios. It is the same one Frank Sinatra used…

130124-justin-timberlakeMy recording engineer friend told me that you are NEVER supposed to grab one of these expensive German tube microphones by the ‘cage,’ always by the stand… The slightest touch can cause damage to the mic’s sensitive componentsĀ even causing havocĀ for control room speakers and those monitoring with headphones. Come on Justin! You should know better!
