Look, I’m not going to waste your time telling you all about why you are going to be hearing a lot about Austin Mahone over the next year or so, all I’m going to say is — the big money is on this kid right now — Trust me — This is what I do…

Soon you will see tons of light-hearted teen websites couching this kid as the next as the biggest thing since sliced bread… But curiously the dark lords that control the music industry have given the orders to actually pit this kid against Bieber as sort of a death match to the finish, and right out of the box too! I fear this may prove, more or less, a coffin nail for Biebs.


Introducing, ‘New Justin Bieber’ Austin Mahone, woot. Give it a few years and he’ll be falling off the charts faster than a hot coal from a barbecue…

One of the hottest teen oriented websites, oceanup.com is featuring this kid and literally asking it’s visitors to judge him “against” Bieber — and believe me — that website goes wherever the money is, I know this, don’t ask…