It was a little too late by the time a Minnesota man realized he had accidentally substituted weed killer for fertilizer, destroying 40,000 square foot lawn.


The once lush green grass immediately started looking sickly, that’s when Lake Elmo resident Rob Olson knew something was very wrong.

Minnesota man Rob Olson managed to kill all the grass on his 40,000 square foot lawn by purchasing the wrong weed killer

Turns out an employee at Dege Garden Center told Olsen the product was great for lawns, too bad it was great for killing weeds on lawns but the five bottles of the multi-purpose killer killed almost every inch of his lawn.

Instead of buying weed killer, Olson bought a product that kills weeds and grass

The chemicals included a pre-emergent grass killer that not only destroyed the grass but also will prevent anything from growing there for at least six months.

At first glance it is easy to see how the mistake was made

Olson is trying to blame the home center, but they say that instructions are ‘related directly to the product’ and are contained in a booklet which is attached to the back of the bottle.

Rob Olson said that he can testify that if you wanted to use the product to kill grass then it definitely works

Sadly Olson was preparing the lawn for an annual fundraiser he organises for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for which he raised $20,000 last year. Olsen has two boys suffering from the condition.