VH1’s “Storytellers” showcased rapper Kanye West and his ability to never shut up.

The taping of the show went on a nerve dragging 3 hours and only 90 minutes of that will ever be aired, however, that is 30 minutes longer than every other episode of “Storytellers”.


Executive producer Bill Flanagan politely told Reuters, “Some of West’s choicer comments ended up on the cutting room floor, but there’s no political conspiracy afoot.” “A lot of the stories that Kanye told went long, I tried to get to the essence of his comments.”

And what about Kanye’s comments? One was that the public should give Chris Brown “a break,” “Can’t we give Chris a break? … I know I make mistakes in life.” On the other side of the coin, it seems West has a problem with Radiohead’s Tom Yorke, claiming Yorke Snubbed him.

Apparently, it was at the Grammys West felt like Yorke did not pay him enough respect. So what was West’s payback? “When he [Yorke] performed at the Grammys, I sat the f— down,” West said.

It was a real crowd pleaser when West exclaimed, “Michael Jackson, amazing. Michael Phelps, amazing … He’s a real f—in’ person; he makes mistakes.” In reference to Phelps pot smoking picture.

More comments from West praised infamous OJ Simpson, “O.J. Simpson, amazing. Is he not? What he did, when he did, what he did. Was he not amazing though?”

West did perform some music like “Touch the Sky” and “Stronger,” and new tracks from “808s and Heartbreak,” including “Amazing” and “See You In My Nightmares.”